Friday, September 16, 2011

Run/Walks: Don't be afraid! Set a goal and do it

The weather is getting nicer, finally! And many cool running/walking/biking events are coming up. The Arizona Republic's Jennifer McClellan pulled together a list of 10 runs, walks and rides in the Phoenix area this fall.

I have my eye on two events. I'm thinking that I should register for one of them, creating a forced commitment. That will help me set a goal so I keep exercising when I clearly would rather sleep in. But...

I guess fear is keeping me from signing up for the October race. Am I ready? Running isn't my thing, and I'm not exactly race ready. The times to prepare for these fall races/rides are short if you're not fit. But I can walk. I could set myself a pace goal, something slightly better than what I do when I jump on the treadmill at the gym. Then again, November's event gives me more time to prepare.

See, I'm talking myself into it. If my husband joins me...OK, gotta make a decision. Can't afford to do both. Or maybe I should look for something more realistic in the winter or spring? Say, isn't there a half-marathon in January? ;)

Will you sign up for race? Does it help you reach your goal?


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