Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The dull ache of muscles not used in forever

I could feel my muscles tightening as the day turned to night.

Did I overdo my first day?

I took an hour-long pilates class that kicked butt, and then jumped on the treadmill for a 45-minute brisk 2.75-mile walk. I felt good. I even thought to try some weights. Glad I didn't.

As my body started getting sore, I forced myself to move instead of sit. Nothing crazy. Just turned on the music to shake my hips as my abs and thighs screamed at me.

Waking up was a bit more painful than normal. I'm happy to say, though, it's not slowing me too much. I'm going to yoga and, if my body will let me, try a strength class today.

I'm not gonna push it. Light weights and modified moves don't crush my ego. I've learned there is no reason to show off unless you want to get hurt doing something your body isn't ready to do.

Now if I can get my eating habits cleaned up. One day at a time, right?


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